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A Cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Crib Death)

Written By Dr. Erwin Gemmer on March 28, 2019

Although it is a relatively uncommon occurrence, SIDS still strikes fear in new parents. 

More than 2000 infants die each year of SIDS, the most common label given to death for babies between 1 month and 1 year of age. 

We are told that there is no way to predict when or who it will strike.  The loss is devastating to families who have experienced the mysterious loss of a baby, and the problem is compounded when they wonder if the death was caused by something they did.

What Causes Sudden Infant Death?

The Sudden Infant Death label is given to a once-healthy baby whose death can't be explained by any type of illness, defect, accident or injury.  There is simply no identifiable problem with the baby.  Although people often confuse SIDS with infant suffocation because of public campaigns to remove blankets, padding, pillows and crib bumpers in an effort to lower the rate of infant deaths, it should be noted that SIDS is not the same as suffocation and is not caused by suffocation.

 What does cause SIDS if it's not suffocation or an undiagnosed underlying health problem?  One extremely likely culprit is vaccines.

A disproportionate number of infants die of SIDS in the days and weeks after receiving scheduled vaccines.

Prior to contemporary vaccination programs, crib death was so rare that it was not mentioned in infant mortality statistics.  In the 1960s, mandated vaccination schedules were introduced and shortly thereafter, in 1969, medical certifiers presented a new medical term, sudden infant death syndrome.  In 1973, the National Center for Health Statistics added a new cause-of-death category, SIDS, to the code book.

Is SIDS caused by vaccination?  One major study determined that babies die at a rate 8 times higher than usual in the 3 days after DPT vaccination.  Eight times higher?  Would that indicate to you that SIDS is caused by vaccination?

And consider this:  By the age of 12 months, American children have had two to three times the number of vaccines that are recommended in Sweden, Japan, Iceland, and Norway.  These countries rank 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 7th respectively in their lack of infant mortality, while the US comes in a dismal 29th.  Our babies are dying at over twice the rate of those in less vaccinated countries.

When Japan saw in the 1970s that cases of death and severe injury of babies were occurring after the DPT shot, they changed the age at which this shot was given.  Between 1975 and 1980, they raised the age of vaccination with DPT from 3 months to 2 years.  They saw an immediate 80-90 percent decrease in injury and death.

In summary, yes, there is a clear relationship between vaccination and Sudden Infant Death.

The post A Cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Crib Death) appeared first on Gemmer Wellness.

Posted In: Healthy Children Vaccinations Disease and Conditions SID sudden infant death Neurological Integration System